My fiancé and I absolutely love to travel. When we first got together the only destinations I wanted to go to had to be warm, with lots of water, and really good food. To my dismay he expressed his opinion on cooler climates and more fluctuating terrain...of course he is a mountains guy! So we decided to trade our annual summer trip to Florida for a fun week spent up in the Great Smokey Mountains. Now I believe I should mention that it was it was warm....there was lots of water involved (waterfalls, not ocean!) and we found some very fun places to eat. In total he did check off on all my list. This trip turned into a lot more fun than we...I had expected. It began with swimming, horse back riding, and really entertaining dinner shows. 

Then the last few days came where we decided to hike multiple chains all attached to sections of the Appalachian Trail. Boy was I in for a treat. The first few miles where beautiful, full of full forest green trees and towering rock formations. After about mile 5 or 6 that's when the views became breath taking just like the ones you see on post cards. But it just kept going up, until we realized we had reached the end...8 MILES!!! We reach the cliff after a few hours of uphill ascent and a few breaks to rock climb...we take the cute pictures...we look at the gorgeous views, until I realize we have to turn back around and do the 8 miles we just conquered AGAIN! It was hard no doubt but so rewarding. All in all it was an awesome trip that I m surprised to say I would gladly do again.



If you want more info for fun activities to do on your next Tennessee mountain adventures CLICK HERE 



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