Depth of Field and Motion

In this composition of pictures we were tasked with snapping 8 photographs; 4 exploring depth of field, and 4 surveying the art of motion. I enjoyed this project because it can be done in so many different ways, specially with the motion aspect. It was fun getting to play around with levels and our new knowledge of color hue, lightening, and saturation. Particularly in the first, second, and last photos in this composition I specifically focused in on one pivotal color. In the first I wanted to draw attention to the gold tones in the newly revealed wood. In the second I wanted to take away some of the darkness in the shadows and allow the rich greens in the leaves to give way through the dissimilarity of the sky. And in the concluding photo I wanted to draw the eye to the vivid red of the sauce in contrast to the more neutral background. Overall this project brought around some challenges but I enjoyed the activity of trying to find the best shots and bettering my dexterity in the editing  process. 



  1. Your pasta photo is my favorite, it's really unique and I think you captured the pouring of the sauce really well.


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